2021 Replay | Unreasonable Highlights

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2021 Replay Unreasonable Highlights

69 New Fellows welcomed to the Unreasonable community through the Unreasonable FUTURE and Unreasonable Impact (Americas, UK & Europe, Asia Pacific) initiatives.


300 Total Ventures

supported in our Unreasonable community, across 28 programs.

$1.1M awarded Unreasonable and Barclays awarded the Impact Squared grant to 20 companies collaborating with one another to find solutions around COVID-19 related challenges.


Combined, the 216 ventures in the #UnreasonableImpact program are making a big difference: 255M individuals positively impacted 47,000+ jobs created 48M metric tons of CO2 reduction 374M kg of waste diverted by prevention, reduction, recycling and/or reuse

The Collective

Highlights since our 2020 launch

152 active members $6.8M deployed 11 impactful deals

324 Mentors

supported the efforts of our Fellows and their companies working to solve our world's most pressing challenges.

In 2021, we were able to back impactful entrepreneurs because of our incredible partners at:

Barclays Accenture Pearson Fossil Foundation EY


And because of our Unreasonable team:

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